10 Things I Did Today

Monday, April 04, 2005


1. Got shitfaced at a Filipino 1st birthday party
2. Realized that I was in good shape compared to just about everyone else at the party
3. Watched my buddy Joe score a 96 after singing karaoke to Careless Whispers
4. Was offered some Balut (Duck fetus)
5. Came close to eating it until I realized I was going to eat a fucking duck fetus…It had little feathers and a beak for Christ sake!
6. Went to see Sin City…it was Awesome!.. I will marry Jessica Alba one day
7. Got a drunk call from Grace and Mel ….yes it was one of the highlights of my weekend so fuck off
8. Decided I need to stop fucking around and move down south… I hate Monterey…allot!
9. Got a job offer to be a cop
10.Contemplated it for a little while until I realized that I would totally abuse my authority. Id be pulling over cute chicks all day.


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